Calculate dimensional weight and reduce charges

Gain full control of your shipping process with our Dimensional Weight Calculator.
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DIM Weight Charges and Calculation

Dimensional (DIM) weight charges are the costs associated with shipping boxes of a certain height, length, and width. Generally speaking, the more space a box takes up on a truck, the more it costs to ship it. Therefore, one of the simplest ways to minimize DIM weight charges is to reduce your box size.

Our On-Demand Packaging® solutions lower your go-to-market costs by creating right-sized boxes specifically for the items you are shipping. By using the smallest possible box, you minimize the amount of corrugated packaging and filler material, eliminating unnecessary empty space from your packaging. This not only saves you money, but results in more eco-friendly packaging that can be easily recycled after use.

Ein Foto von T-Shirts, verpackt in einer Schachtel mit der richtigen Größe und ohne Platzverschwendung.

Custom boxes save money and space

Packsize studies found that the average package contains about 40% wasted space. Right-sized Packaging on Demand® reduces or eliminates this extra space by creating the exact right-sized box for every order, every time.

Not only does this cut down your box volume, but using custom packaging solution can also save you valuable warehouse space, reduce your environmental impact, cut down on labor costs, and eliminate the risk of product damage due to box size.

Packsize can make packaging 40% smaller, using 60% less void fill and 26% less corrugated cardboard.

Packsize DIM weight calculator

With major shipping companies charging for shipping parcels based on weight and size, it is more important than ever to calculate the dimensional weight of your package to know if you’ll be facing additional DIM charges.

Our dimensional weight calculator helps you easily do this so you can see for yourself just how much money your business can save with right-size packaging solutions. Find out how On Demand Packaging can cut down on costs and transform your business.

Calculate your DIM weight prices

Get the dimensional weight of your package with our dimensional weight calculator and find out if you will have additional DIM charges.

Enter the dimensions of your package into our DIM weight calculator below:

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Maßgerechte Verpackungslösungen für eCommerce Händler

Die Nachfrage im eCommerce wächst weiter und eCommerce Unternehmen müssen sich darauf einstellen, wie sie dieser Nachfrage gerecht werden können. Ladet euch unseren kostenlosen eCommerce Brancheneinblick herunter und erfahrt, wie eine automatisierte Verpackungslösung euren Prozessfluss optimieren und die Kundenzufriedenheit steigern kann.

eBook Download
A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, travelling down a conveyor in a TNT Deals warehouse.
The partnership with Packsize has been great. Anytime we need something, they're always there – whether it's a text message or a quick idea or implementation, the Packsize team has been great. We also have a great support system with Packsize. We have an onsite tech who is here to support us when we need him, and we also have a hotline that we can call when a tech isn't available.
Greg Current
Operation Manager
TNT Deals
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Ein Foto von passgenauen Kartons zum Versenden auf einem Förderband bei CEVA Logistics vor der Endverpackung.
Wir nutzen jetzt für jede Bestellung einen perfekt passenden Karton, was zu geringeren Transportkosten und einem kleineren CO2-Fußabdruck führt.
Mark Romme
CEVA Logistics
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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Ein Foto von passgenauen Kartons zum Versenden auf einem Förderband bei CEVA Logistics vor der Endverpackung.
Wir nutzen jetzt für jede Bestellung einen perfekt passenden Karton, was zu geringeren Transportkosten und einem kleineren CO2-Fußabdruck führt.
Mark Romme
CEVA Logistics
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Ein Foto von passgenauen Kartons zum Versenden auf einem Förderband bei CEVA Logistics vor der Endverpackung.
Wir nutzen jetzt für jede Bestellung einen perfekt passenden Karton, was zu geringeren Transportkosten und einem kleineren CO2-Fußabdruck führt.
Mark Romme
CEVA Logistics
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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Ein Foto von Chris Groseclose, dem Chief Fulfillment Officer von Crutchfield
Zahlreiche Firmen beschäftigen sich mit Verpackungen - ohne passgenauen Erfolg. Es gab noch nie einen Tag, an dem wir nicht alle Sendungen verschickt haben. [Packsize] hat uns buchstäblich nie im Stich gelassen... Wir freuen uns auf viele weitere Jahre mit Packsize als einem unserer wichtigsten Geschäftspartner.
Chris Groseclose
Chief Fulfillment Officer
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Ein Foto von passgenauen Kartons zum Versenden auf einem Förderband bei CEVA Logistics vor der Endverpackung.
Wir nutzen jetzt für jede Bestellung einen perfekt passenden Karton, was zu geringeren Transportkosten und einem kleineren CO2-Fußabdruck führt.
Mark Romme
CEVA Logistics
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Reduce your DIM weight charges with On Demand Packaging

Contact us today to calculate what a dimensional weight reduction can do for you.